Saturday, January 29, 2011

Healing Power of Crochet

I went to the doctors today because my stomach (pancreatitis) is flaring up again, and found out I have diverticulitis, too. I'm not complaining to you, don't get me wrong. What made my visit with my doctor much better was how impressed he was with how calm I was! He asked me what I was doing to maintain my peacefulness with all that was going on with me. I simply pointed to the bag at my feet and said my best medicine right now is crochet!

When I work with my hooks and yarn, it gives me something else to concentrate on other than how bad I feel. One thought that keeps running through my head is one of amazement. I can hardly believe that I can take a simple string or yarn, and turn it into FABRIC to warm a body, or a toy to bring a child joy or a beautiful new bag that is truly one of a kind.

I mean, think about it? How many people other than a knitter or crocheter or any other fiber artist can say that? I don't think everyoe understands that, It just recently hit me like that, 'I can turn string into fabric with a simple stick! How awesome is that?'

I also think that it's something that we fiber artists should be very proud of.

I hope all my friends and loved ones are having a weekend as wonderful as they are!
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1 comment:

glor said...

Sorry to hear you are under the weather, and such painful conditions as well. Your "peachie ballarina (?)is so sweet. You're right there's something about crochet that is amazing. I think the same thing, how a string can become such a item of beauty. I finally was able to follow your blog, for the past few weeks I couldn't anymore, it straightened out on its own thanksfully! Hope you are feeling better quickly. Blessings to you.